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Of course, Chelsea looking less Chuxiong, is reasonable. Because at this time of Chuxiong not float on magma, but quickly sank into the magma magma...... a lot looked on when the Pentium, the flow of time outside, but along Chuxiong crater just that position, all the way to sink straight sank underground Baizhang. Gushing flow of underground rock on, but still could not stop Chuxiong while falling trend. And this time, Chuxiong felt tremendous pressure. Suzaku body like a pull not broken do not tear rotten leather, the louis vuitton outlet tightly wrapped, it seems that every pore is sealed, not to mention gasping for breath.

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Subsequently, the body parts of its cheap louis vuitton also appeared in a similar situation. But most of Chuxiong sad, the head still no integration. And fusion of the head, then the emperor would continue in the next state of suffocation. Finally, while a huge sense of relief came through the air also seems Chuxiong general - the head of the body Suzaku also being completely integrated into the body of Chuxiong. This is really cool Chuxiong smiled, feeling of suffocation...... finally removed my hand sinking nine domains aspect India, has also been restored to its original state.


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