Thursday, June 13, 2013 ghd hair straighteners duy786

ghd hair straightener Not drink it! Not at night but also to help the world situation founding of the city it do? Fat Chu should clean hands the bottle quickly take it over, but Chu Jie hand grip is too tight, tried twice failed to rush down. Originally just drink wine, but then do not know why Chu Jie said today very pleased and ordered a bottle of 'Royal Salute'. After that is out of control, a series of three bottles, this is the fourth bottle! Wine better than ghd the liquor, Jiujin greater, even the fat man is about to stand and see the look of the Chu Jie was probably already drunk!

People happy?ghd straightener, Chu Jie blushing, one leaning on the shoulders of the fat, warm body without which rely on rely uttered furans raving blooming red lips dripping all intoxicating fatal temptation. The incense want full, the fat suddenly felt some of your own heartbeat accelerated, perhaps one the alcohol washed up on top of the head, so that the front of some fuzzy, but all in all, with hold to Chu-cleaning soft body, extra comfortable! The fat pinch thighs, keep yourself sober, gently waving his arms Chu Jie: sister!

Stop it, let ghd sleep for a while! Chu Jie like kittens, like the body curled into fat arms, murmured to himself after some deep sleep in the past. The back! The fat looked at the time, getting late. Barely stood up, the Chu Jie Fu to the side of the chair, and gently put her coat. Was, do not know Chu sister did not pay the bill! Body fat and felt the pocket, and my heart feel uneasy. Else I will not speak, that is, four bottles of 'Royal Salute' ghd body all the money out to pay enough.

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